American Symbols Game-This game is very educational it helps you learn alot but its kind of boring.
Bill of Rights Match Game-I like this game becouse if your learning about the amendments it can help you get a better understanding of them.
Geography America-I like that game it was fun and i enjoyed it and it helps you learn were your states are.
Redistricting Game-I really didnt like this game i was kind of confussed on what i was doing.
Branches of Government-It was kind of boring but it would deffinatly help you if you needed to know the branches.
There Should Be a Law-I didnt like this game at all it was really boring.
Pick 12-I liked this game but it was really fast and easy and didnt really help me with anything.
Play the News-I didnt like this game i didnt know what i was doing at all.
Bump the Birds-I liked this game it was fun but it was alot reading i didnt like that.