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My name is Jesse. And if you need to know something about me just ask.. peace..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1/15 Weekly Blog

This week We presented our powerpoints and our games to Globaloria. As well as working on our games.


  1. Hey man..ill miss being with you 2nd block...we had some fun times

  2. Jesse, I'm sorry that I wasn't there to see your game presentation. I did view your team page and it looks like you and your partner have really developed some cool flash skills.

    I'm not real clear on what the educational topic is that you're addressing in your game but I know it's just a game demo at this point but it would help me (and you & your team) if you filled out the Game Pitch and Design Plan sections on your team page.

    I look forward to seeing you continue to work on it. Will you be taking this class next semester? I hope so!!

    Please be sure to upload the most current file of your game on to the Game Gallery page.

    Thanks for all of your hard work.


    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV

  3. Thanks David,
    Our game still needs the questions in it but the problem we had was that we didnt get a comment back on how to get the questions to appear when you get to a score.
